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Sky Hd Box Dns Settings
Wrote:I have exactly the same problem. Despite trying every option it does not see the Internet connection. This happened in the summer and eventually it corrected itself. As an IT person I remain convinced that its a software issue with the box.
I also suspect that SKY want everyone to move over to the next generation of boxes i.e. Q and pay more in the process. I spent several hours on the phone in the summer with no joy - their suggestion that I buy a new box.If they were trying to sabotage the internet connection, why only do it to Wi-Fi, our 2 boxes connected via Ethernet have been working happily for many yearsgood luck with the conspiracy theory though. Sorry I should have explained myself better. Being an IT consultant I have a cupboard full of devices that hardware vendors no longer support - over time no one wants to support numerous -versions’ of old kit so eventually the s/w updates cause more harm than good.
With my HD box I notice that generally I have problems after an update. I have a similar problem with a not so old MAC lap top - I can no longer install updates without it ‘breaking’I dont think SKyy have specially messed up the wifi, particularly in my case as router access is via a cable, no WIFI involved. In fact when I called SKY they suggested I buy their SKY wifi Connect box and try that! So basically even though my sky box is directly connected to the router it claims there is no internet access. Every other device in the house has internet access, via the SKY router, either directly via cable or w-fi - its only the SKY HD box that doesn’t. Hi anniei tried that, also checked and replaced all the cables. I have left everything unplugged overnight - that made a difference last time.
Failing that, and the fact that I’m now out of contact, I may change provider. Sky expected me to pay to get an engineer out last time, failing that buy a new HD + box and or a box to WiFi enable the box I have.
Every other device on the house connects no problem via WIFi and my work IMac via Ethernet. I have also done all the hardcore reset stuff to no avail.
Thanks for getting back to me.